An armillary sphere is a model of celestial objects. It consists of a spherical framework of rings, centered on Earth or the Sun, that represent lines of celestial longitude and latitude and other astronomically important features, such as the ecliptic.
It was invented separately first in ancient China during the 4th century BC and ancient Greece during the 3rd century BC. They were used for a variety of purposes, from calendrical calculations to mapping the motion of the earth and the heavens.
During the Renaissance, it became a symbol of the height of wisdom and knowledge, and appeared in many portraits of scientists and public figures of the time.
These rings hold a transformative surprise!
These pieces can be worn discreetly as a ring and unfolded into a sphere to reveal an armillary sphere containing astrological and planetary symbols. Its spherical shape can also easily be worn as an eye-catching necklace.
Material: Plated Copper or S925 Sterling Silver
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